Solid State Fried

So I got a 128gb SSD in the mail today. Excited, I popped it into the laptop, transferred all media and documents I had from my phone onto the new drive, configured everything just as I wanted it – Irssi (IRC client), logged into relevant sites on Firefox, bookmarked them, installed wget and curl (the former already on Debian 12, though), snap to I could install Pinta (image viewer/editor), Micro (cli-based text editor), imported the old Irssi config file (which I saved/transferred as a .txt document for an easy copy/paste job), Tweaked GNOME Tweaks, modded the Desktop with GNOME Extensions, transferred media, made folders, updates, upgrades – all of it.

And then?

I did a reboot. All gone!

I don't know what happened but it seems the PC doesn't recognize I have an SSD in the machine. And in the EFI file, it shows I have several choices, which go like:


...and under “debian” I see a few options – grub, mmx, one other one – all .efi files. So I can boot into the SSD, apparently, but I am not sure how. But it is too much to fuss with at the moment. For now, I am on a live USB of Debian, works fine.

[EDIT: of COURSE it was the third option of the three .efi files to choose from. Under “debian” it had “grub”, “mmx” and “ffg” (if I remember correctly), and “ffg” worked, I set it as a boot option to the database, and once I hammered the f12 key and got into the boot options, there was “Debian 126gb SSD” as an option to boot from – yay]
